
Pre-Calabi-Yau algebras were introduced by M. Kontsevich and Y. Vlassopoulos around 2015. However, these structures (or equivalent ones) have appeared in other works under different names, such as V∞-algebras by T. Tradler and M. Zeinalian, A∞-algebras with boundary or noncommutative divisors in the work of P. Seidel, or weak Calabi-Yau structures in earlier talks by Kontsevich. They play an important role in homological algebra, symplectic geometry, string topology, noncommutative geometry and Topological Quantum Field Theory and they have been the focus of intensive study in the last years. The goal of the workshop is to celebrate the vibrancy of this relatively new topic by creating an environment where experts working in different aspects of this field can meet and exchange ideas and perspectives.


  • Tristan Bozec (Angers)
  • Johan Leray (Nantes)
  • Evgeny Skvortsov (Mons)
  • Alex Takeda (Uppsala)
  • Nathalie Wahl (Copenhagen, online)
  • Zhengfang Wang (Stuttgart)
  • Wai-Kit Yeung (Hong Kong, online)


The talks will take place in room 4 of the Fourier Institute. The tentative schedule is as follows: 


Welcome            08h00 - 08h15 (entrance hall)

Talk 1                 08h15 - 09h15 | Yeung | 

Talk 2                 09h15 - 10h15 | Bozec | 

Coffee break      10h15 - 10h45 (entrance hall)

Talk 3                 10h45 - 11h45 | Takeda | 

Talk 4                 11h45 - 12h45 | Wang | 

Lunch                 12h45 - 14h00 (Buffet, cafeteria on 2nd floor)

Talk 5                 14h00 - 15h00 | Skvortsov | 

Talk 6                 15h00 - 16h00 | Leray | 

Coffee break      16h00 - 16h30 (entrance hall)

Talk 7                 16h30 - 17h30 | Wahl | 


The workshop dinner will be in the restaurant L'Épicurien (https://maps.app.goo.gl/YFwS8JWbshTgTQFd8?g_st=ic) at 19h30. The possible menus are available here.


Booklet with abstracts

The booklet with the abstracts can be downloaded here.


Estanislao Herscovich (Grenoble)

David Fernández (Madrid)

Travel information

Some simple options to arrive in Grenoble are: 

(1) A flight to either

      (1a) Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport (LYS) 

      (1b) Geneva Cointrin airport (GVA), 

      (2a) If you picked option (1a), you might take then take

            (2aa) the train from Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport to Grenoble train station (see www.sncf.com)

            (2ab) a bus from Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport to Grenoble bus station (see https://www.flixbus.fr/ 

                     or https://www.blablacar.fr/)

      (2b) If you picked option (1b), you might then take 

            (2ba) the train from Geneva Cointrin airport to Grenoble train station, typically through Geneva

                     train station (see https://www.sbb.ch/)

            (2bc) a bus from Geneva Cointrin airport to Grenoble bus station (see https://www.flixbus.fr/ 

                     or https://www.blablacar.fr/).


The bus station of Grenoble (gare routière in French) is next to the train station. 


The workshop will take place in the Fourier Institute (https://maps.app.goo.gl/LuisC9aLmJFVerqa6?g_st=ic). To go to the Fourier Institute from the train station of Grenoble, pick the tramway B, direction "Gières, Plaine des Sports", and get off at the stop "Bibliothèques Universitaires". The Fourier Institute is just behind the restaurant "Le Martin's café". 

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